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What it be fam? Brace yourself cause this Friday Aditk footwear is celebrating it's one year anniversary of making you look like the contemporary street thug you always wanted to look like. I can't even begin to tell you how big this party is going to be. And for dessert there will be special guests Sober (The Party), Los Hip Hop Guys , aone and a live performance by PPT. It's 21+ and free as free gets! You thought that gas explosion was big yesterday, wait till this shit jumps off, word is bond.

Thanks Cultura Fina


Lena said...

I made it clear my blogging is self-centered around me, not my readers. Geez. I try to make it an even mix of everything but I'm having issues lately okay??!? :)

yessi said...

ummm because he was a gentleman and didn't want to bone all the girls?????

PS Did you see your kidd banner infront of the Arch? My little bro got a rash from laying on the sidewalk shooting those pics, I swear it's not photoshopped!